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Updates Kevin Patrick Robbins Updates Kevin Patrick Robbins

November 2020

I took a couple of weeks off and quick frankly I needed it. We’re a week into December and somehow 2020 has felt simultaneously like the longest and shortest year of my life. Thanks, COVID.

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Updates Kevin Patrick Robbins Updates Kevin Patrick Robbins

October 2020

In this recap of October 2020, I reflect on recent episodes, shooting a wedding for 20 people, and address how some changes I’m making to my pricing.

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Updates Kevin Patrick Robbins Updates Kevin Patrick Robbins

September 2020

A look back on the first month of Studio Builder and the realities of running a wedding photography business during a pandemic.

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Updates Kevin Patrick Robbins Updates Kevin Patrick Robbins

What is Studio Builder?

I am here to help you in the same ways I help them: with your websites, studio management system, your SEO, Facebook Ads, client care, business mindset, self-care, and much much more. In this first episode of Studio Builder, I talk about who I am, why I started this show, what you can expect, and why you should subscribe to this podcast.

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