November 2020

I took a couple of weeks off and quick frankly I needed it. We’re a week into December and somehow 2020 has felt simultaneously like the longest and shortest year of my life. Thanks, COVID.

I realize that most of you are located in other parts of the world, where it may be better or it may be worse. I don’t want to let you down by missing out on episodes, but outside of this podcast, I also have my own photography business to run and that’s been often confusing, or even illegal at times this year, and that has been mentally taxing for me, as you’ve heard if you’ve been following along on this podcast.

And that’s okay. This is massive. It’s global. It’s collective. We’re all in this together. We need to find time for ourselves and our own well-being. So, that’s what I’ve been doing for a few weeks. But vaccines are here, a bunch of them, they’re being shipped, and people are even starting to get them. So the sun is starting to peek above the horizon for the first time in a while for me.

Meanwhile, here at Studio Builder, I’ve been working on a few new projects that I briefly touched on last month that you can expect in the new year, including:

  • a YouTube channel that will have how-to videos along with interviews featuring other photographers about their work and creative process

  • I’ll be releasing some online courses in the new year

  • I’m starting to help people in our Facebook group with some live streaming events. So, come join us there at

We’ve got a bunch of new members in the Facebook group. It’s still only about 50 people strong but it’s growing and I love it!

We’ve got new branding for 2021 to match all the projects I’m working on across all the different platforms, including new podcast art with an old photo of my beautiful face on it. Sorry, I don’t have anything recent with my long, luxurious pandemic locks but I plan to get new images done in the spring of 2021 and I can put my hair up in a Khal Drago-style top knot for all of you. Or when I decide to go to the barber and get a decent trim.

Coming up for December, don’t expect episodes on Christmas Day or New Year’s Eve or day, but I will be doing a series of special goal-oriented episodes for the start of the new year, since I don’t believe in resolutions but I do believe in the power of SMART goals.

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Kevin Patrick Robbins

Kevin Patrick Robbins is a professional photographer in in Hamilton and Toronto, Ontario, Canada. You can find his commercial photography at and his consumer and corporate photography work at


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